Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Pigs mating Dogs and Free Trade

Oh believe me, I can make the connection. Check out this article from Reuters.

Quoting in full:
NAIROBI - A Kenyan mayor ordered more than 500 pigs to be shot dead because they were mating with stray dogs, the East African Standard reported on Friday.

A squad of town council guards moved from estate to estate shooting pigs roaming free in Nyahururu town, 95 miles north of the capital Nairobi.

Town mayor Muritu Karumba said he ordered Thursday’s cull to avoid an outbreak of disease caused by the pigs and dogs mating, which he said broke the laws of nature and “caused unnecessary commotion.”

But the unfortunate pigs’ owners immediately cried foul, claiming collusion between Nyahururu’s authorities and the town’s bacon traders to cut competition in pork supplies.

Note the last paragraph, a government official, in an effort to support prices and curry favor with a particular constiuency, has eliminated a supply source. The victims? Of course the pig owners, but also now all the citizens who now must pay higher prices

That's why I'm glad the US is so progressive over a backward country like that. God Bless the USA.