Sunday, October 17, 2004

I'm Back and Feeling Blah

Thanks to all for their advice and concern regarding my cold. I'm back to 75% today. Per NYCSara, I took some Ginger tea. But I supplemented with my favorite Thera-flu and rum.

I went home sick at 5:00 on Friday. Attended Daughter No. 1's Girl Scout Halloween party with 20+ screaming girls inside a bomb shelter of a school gym. The loudness and shrill screams must have been like when John Kerry strafed that village back in 'Nam. Got home about 10:00. The Divine Mrs. M put the girls to bed and I gratefully feel asleep.

Saturday wasn't going to be pretty. The Divine Mrs. M. had a full day of civic activites planned. She was gone by 7:30 a.m. and I lay in bed fearful of when the girls would awake and drag me kicking and screaming into the day. Thank God, not until 9:30 and then they were the best behaved kids I've seen a quite a while. Hosannahs all around. I lay on the couch and sniffled and sneezed and coughed while they played in the basement or outside and accepted the easiest meals I could possibly make. I watched The Four Feathers (that's what movies are suppose to be), Head Office (so 80's, so cool), Secondhand Lions (OK) and part of The Transporter until the satelite when out. "Whaaa?," I said. I called DirectTv and found out I had paid the wrong amount or something, so out comes the debit card and the bill for $22.59 is paid. I'll figure it out later. But by this time, my mind is going. I've got a Thera-flu high. The Divine Mrs. M has picked up the kids and left me with Taco Bell tacos and a giant 24 oz Dr. Pepper which combined with the Thera-flu makes me feel invincible - for about 1 hours. I shower and shave and put on something other than sweats...and then I collapse back to the couch.

The Divine Mrs. M returns, takes care of kids, and I fall asleep.

Sunday I skipped church - any reason really and I get some quiet. I'm feeling better. I did a load of dishes. Family comes back. I put daughter No. 2 down for a nap and take Daughter no. 1 to the office to get some work done.

Short but busy week ahead. Only 3-days long, but late at the office each day doing evening meeting with clients. Wednesday night father-in-law arrives to housesit, then Thursday I bundle the family onto a Delta flight (sure I feel safe flying an almost bankrupt airlines) and head for a long weekend of Orlando fun - Disney, Seaworld, & a resort hotel. I'll be in meetings much of the time, but the girls should have fun and it will be warm and after the great behavior on Saturday, I think they deserve it.

Stay You.

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