Thursday, November 25, 2004

I'm now a School Board member (sigh)

I've been appointed by Sr. Mary Luke to the School Board of Daughter No. 1's school. Tuesday night was my first meeting. It's a Catholic school and I'm a Lutheran by marriage; I fill the non-parish, i.e. he's-not-one-of-us, representative slot. Bellevue is a very Catholic, very German community. I didn't know places like this existed until I moved here. They don't have any comprehension of why anyone would not be a Catholic. Hey, I'm sorry. I was born that way. I kid: they were all very nice people and are giving my daughter a top-flight quality education.

So it's me, 3 nuns, 2 priests, and a couple other parents sitting around a table in a church rectory for 2 1/2 hours working out where to park buses, when to move into the new Jr. High, etc.

When did my life become so exciting?

I know that it's good to be involved in your kids education, blah, blah, blah, but doesn't writing the tuition check every month make me involved enough? Apparently not. Something inside me didn't let me say no to being on the board.

Speaking of religion, SomewhatSilent Sara has a nice post I felt to comment on.

Stay You.

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