Monday, November 01, 2004

Seeing the Bush Campaign Stop

Please read the post below before clicking off regarding Michael Corleone = Bush. I wrote that late last week, but just posted it.

Very busy weekend of trick-or-treating, birthday parties, church events and....the Bush Campaign stop. Read about it here. I've seen all the Republican candidates since Bush '41 and this was the furthest away I've ever been. He was a speck. Pictures to be posted tonight. Anyway, I got to the ball park at 5:00, Bush spoke at 8:00. I took Daughter No. 1 and Daughter No. 2 by myself because of a previous committment on The Divine Mrs. M's part. Gatlin Brothers (another Republican reformed cokehead?), Jason LaRue, various and sundry politicians. I will more indepth blog tonight about it. Hey....who's that hot blonde over there....nice,well, don't stare too long, the daughters are's.....Mommeeeeeee!
The Divine Mrs. M. shows up at 7:30 after a walk to the stadium across a bridge across the Ohio River and then shows up at the right place...all without having to wait 2 1/2 hours.

Later. Too tired to blog and earn a living.

Stay You.

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