Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Natural Disaster; Two Apologies

My bleatings about Christmas now seem petty and immature and way too self regarding in light of what's happened in the Indian Ocean. This boy could be Daughter No. 1. God save him.

A few years back I started reading National Review online and this article on natural disasters was one of my first reads. I cringed a little while reading it, but it's true. Here is Jonah's apology issued the next day.

When the evils of British colonialism was thrown off these places that were just destroyed, the former colonies were left with something worse - citizens educated in British Universities where, at the time, Marxism was all the rage and taught well. So the Brits bugged out and left little Marxists in these already bad off places who immeadiately took control of the countries and made them horrible places. My point - and the point of Goldberg's article above - is that with a few years of unbridled capitalist growth these tragedies will be minimized. Structures and warning systems would have been in place if they hadn't crippled themselves with various 5-year plans.

God save these people. God help them in the future. But they don't need more of the same.

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal today says it much better than I. Also, I had forgotten about Michael Crichton's speech from a few years ago touching on the subject just a bit.

Stay You.

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