Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Should Scott Peterson Die

I'll honestly say that anytime I see a news teaser that something on the Peterson case was coming up, I changed the channel. I just don't care.

But all the hoopla this week gets me thinking about the death penalty. Sitting in my easy chair, drinking my G&T, reading my Hayek, I think about it and say, "Yep, I'm against the death penalty." Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these freaks that go to the prison the night of the Big Event and sing Kum-by-ya softly until the lights flicker then quietly weep. I simply don't like giving the State that much power over an individual.

I don't want to try to rehabilitate murders. I don't really care about them and I certainly don't want them released after 30-years. Dig a hole, dump him in, let him have a Bible or a Koran or a Torah or a Sears catalog from 1974, toss him a few bananas every day until he dies. This serves the function of keeping my taxes low and keeping the maniacs away from my kids. But I also want to tell the government, "No, you can't do this. Your power ends here. Here's a line a power you will not cross. Let me point out the others."

This won't happen, I know. Too many people want the killers dead. Too many people want the ones that aren't dead treated nicely. Fine, let's until we come to our senses start charging up Sparky.

Stay You.

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