Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Iraqi Election Doubts

Will Iraq embrace democracy? Will the Palestinians? The Afghans?

I don't know. People naturally dislike democracy. We do. Look at all the griping that goes on about our politicians. See my earlier post on this subject here.

It's good to remember Ben Franklin's advice:

At the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, a Mrs. Powel anxiously awaited the results, and as Benjamin Franklin emerged from the long task now finished, asked him directly: "Well Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" "A republic if you can keep it" responded Franklin.

I will say that I wish them luck and I wish that they do embrace it. As Franklin recognized, it will take constant work. I don't think that they have a cultural predisposition against democracy like some commentators see to be saying. I think this racist remark is more anti-Bush reflex than outright racism.

I think it would be useful for people to look back on Western style democracies and see just how rare they really are.

The U.S. is a pretty old one, but as good as we are, more than 50% of our adult population couldn't vote as little as 80 years ago. Does this mean that Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson's administrations were illegitimate?

Democracy was imposed on Japan and Italy where they had never had it before less than 60 years ago.

Spain - the country of my birth - only went democratic in the late 70's.

Germany tried democracy and then embraced totalitarism rather quickly. France, always Germany's bitch, followed right along. Eastern Europe didn't have it until my college years.

Several English speaking countries still have Elizabeth II on their cash and as their technical head of state. Come on! Royals need to be beheaded not revered.

Practical working democracy is still a new concept in the human experience. The fact is that it's worth a try anywhere. As I pointed out in my book, no two democracies have ever gone to war against one another. Imagine a world of democracies; the peace; the progress.

I hope that the Iraqis succeed in one form or another. The attempt is the success. If just a few could see a world beyond the Fascism that they have known, they will be blessed.

Stay You.

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