Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I'm Not Surprised

I easily tire of people. Not being around them, but just hearing and reading about how people behave. I find it hard enough to get up, work, pay the bills, and build a life. I don't have the ambition or drive to complicate it further.

Just from my local mid-western paper in the last couple of days: Here's a recent local story about a known rapist who raped again - two 17-year olds. Here's another one about a 20-year old raping and killing a 3-year old while her mother was in jail. About once every two weeks or so, the Artemis system (big display signs over the freeways letting you know about bad traffic) displays an Amber Alert. When the news clicks on it's always the father that grabed the kid.

I'm tired of it.

The common thread in the above three instances (almost always for Amber alerts) is that the victims knew the attackers.

In story number one, a sentence reads:
"Investigators said Mustin took the teens to his home in Northside Monday night and raped them at knifepoint."

Did they go willingly to his home? Most likely, it's to intice than control two teens. Most likely, he promised them something and when they didn't like what he had to give them, he got rough.

From story number two:
Stull, of Newport, said Bailer was watching her children over her objections. Stull said her husband, Henry "Jason" Stull - the father of her child - was living with Bailer's mother. "I told my husband not to let him baby-sit them," Stull said. "I already knew he was weird. He was 20, but yet he sat around with little children playing videogames."

Good God, the father let this creep watch his kid - his little girl. He's got no other job but to protect her. Please don't tell me the father didn't get some wierdo vibe from this guy.

From my Amber Alert example, this little fact:
The largest number of missing children are “runaways”; followed by “family

I read "runaways" as teens escaping massive abuse, but family abductions means more people you know.

None of these victims deserve what they got and the criminals won't get what they deserve. We're too kind. These kid's pain is caused by the actions of their protectors. Why doesn't a father teach a 17-year old girl not to go to a 23-year old guys house? At 17, 23 is pretty old! Why does a father let his kid alone with a 20-year old child rapist his jail bird wife thought was creepy? Why do mothers and fathers drag their kids into the psychosis of a relationship?

I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of the pain and suffering they are causing. What's more, I'm tired of organzing society around this group. I've had these people in my life - as family and as friends - and I run from them. I do what a have to to not be around these people. In my experience, they don't hide from you. A creep loves to show his creepiness. There's not many Ted Bundys out there. Let's help the harmed and let's put down the victimizers.

Stay You.
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