Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News!

If I don't hear from my doctor's office by 11:00 am EST this morning, the following will be faxed to his office. Let's see how long it takes to get a response.


I hope you are having a nice day.

I am writing trying to find out when you guys will get your act together. Should I go to another practice?

Here’s my concern:

I was asked at my last blood pressure check-in to have blood work done at the following one. Dr. Middendorf wanted to make sure my cholesterol was in good order. Six months pass and I call to see when a phlebotomist will be there in the morning so I don’t have to fast too long. The scheduler told me, “Uh, I don’t know. I don’t know if we have one. I think she quit. Maybe you should call back next week?” I called back the following week and received the same answer. Since my prescription needed refilling I went ahead and made the appointment figuring I would ask at the appointment how I go about getting my blood work done.

I have this appointment on April 6th and luckily there’s someone there to do the blood draw (she was very nice).

On Friday, April 8th at approximately 5:00 pm my wife calls me at my office saying your office left a message saying you needed me to call about my blood-work. Your message was left at 4:55 pm. Being a loving wife, she was very concerned so I called your office immediately and discovered that the person who called (Jennifer, I believe) is gone for the day and no one there can help me. Was there a problem with the test? Do I have dangerously high cholesterol? Do I have some hematological deficiency that will cause my teeth to fall out? Do I have AIDs? I don’t know. I figure I will leave a message, worry the weekend away, and I’ll get a call back on Monday.

No call back on Monday. I leave two messages throughout the day. On the second call back a lady is very nice and says that she will handle this for me right away, but then calls back to say she can’t find my file. Can she call back tomorrow?

I told her sure. I’m a pretty calm guy plus I don’t want my blood pressure to go up too much or I’ll have to double down on the Cardia, but it would be nice if you guys got your act together and let me know what you need. If you don’t plan on getting your act together, let me know so I can explore other opportunities in medical care.

Patiently Waiting Any Response Whatsoever,

Howard McEwen, CFA

Update: As of 2:00 pm - no response.

Stay You.
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