Friday, April 14, 2006

Vault Lights and Rainman

Whoops! Almost missed this story I did for the Enqurier that ran today.

Know what vault lights are? No? Me neither, but read what I wrote...
"In the old days, before electric light, this was a simple way to allow daylight into a basement or vault chamber. They were very popular in New York, especially effective for getting light into the subway tunnels," said new owner Fred Breitfelder.

The vault lights capture sunlight that hits the sidewalk. It then bends the light to reflect into the basement of the structure.

This building sits across from Pompilio's Restaurant which is known for great very heavy Italian food and the restaurant in Rainman where Dustin Hoffman counts the spilled toothpicks. Oh, and the exterior of the hospital where Hoffman's character stays in a Sisters of Notre Dame convent about 10 mile south of Pompilio's and my house. The movie poster is them walking on the drive up to the convent. Each spring the Sisters do a fundraisers - a garage sale.

Stay You.
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