Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Outsource This!

I'm a free-trader down to my bones.

Don't believe me. Buy my book!

While we pity and donate to the tsunami victims, I'd like to remember that during the campaign - and even before - there was a lot of griping about these people - Indians, Malays, Thais - stealing our jobs. It looks like about 100,000 of them have just been wiped out. Maybe some of those jobs will come home now. Feel better?

Sorry, but in working with the public, I get a little tired of fat, middle-aged, privileged (you're privileged if you were born here) Americans who barely show up for work and can't bring themselves to take advantage of their company's tuition reimbursement program complaining about their jobs going overseas. You don't own the job, buddy! Get out there and compete!

But I do have an out-sourcing idea. What to hear? I just knew you did. I think alot of the international tension lately isn't so much to do with Pres. HitlerBush but with the fact that most European and several Asia countries have outsourced their military to us. We're not going to let Germany invade France a fourth time; we'll come in sometime to keep the Slavs from killing each other; we'll stand up to the Evil Empire; and we'll patrol the Sea of Japan and the Taiwan Straits. I don't truly mind this since it keeps them from starting some serious trouble, but it does toss alot of the cost onto us.

Here's the payback deal I propose:

Since our drug-approving FDA sucks, why don't we just turn over that responsibility to the European Union. I trust 'em. There's no need to ask them. It's simple: If you've gone through the trouble of getting your pill approved there, you can sell it here. How much do we spend on the FDA now? Let's spend that money on lowering drug costs here. The Europeans will pay all the regulatory costs and we will reap all the benefits; it's just the reverse of their benefiting from our military. Does that make us even-Steven? No, but it's a start.

N.B. I did the roundtable discussion with 4 CPAs last night for an upcoming Challenger special. Thanks for all those that helped. My part will be the centerpiece. Before you ask, Yes! A night with 4 CPAs is as exciting as it sounds.

Stay You.

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